e-ISSN: 3006-2772
p-ISSN: 2618-0030
Founded: 2018
Period: Biannually
Publisher: Azərbaycan İlahiyyat İnstitutu


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Author Guidelines

The scientific journal founded by the Faculty of Theology of Baku State University (BSU) and recommended for publication of scientific articles by the Supreme Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, has been published biannually since 2004, with a total of 29 issues. By decree dated February 9, 2018, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev established the Azerbaijan Institute of Theology (AIT) based on the Faculty of Theology of BSU. The above-mentioned collection was later published under the title Religious Studies by the Azerbaijan Institute of Theology. The editorial board of both journals includes internationally influential scholars. The Journal of Religious Studies has been published since December 2018 and has been included in the list of periodical scientific publications of Supreme Attestation Commission recommended for publishing scientific articles on philosophy and psychology since 2020. In 2023, the journal will be available in electronic format.

The journal of Religious Studies accepts articles that examine religion from theological, philosophical, historical, sociological, psychological, literary, and other perspectives.

The journal aims to publish independent studies in Azerbaijani, Russian, English, Turkish and Arabic as articles and reviews on psychology and philosophy, including history and philosophy of religion, sociology and psychology of religion and in this way, to contribute the global increase of information and study in this field. The journal of “Religious Studies” is intended for scholars, theologians, religious studies scholars, philosophers as well as for students  readers and institutions interested in this field, who conduct research in the  above mentioned direction.

The abstract should be 200-250 words.

The AIT journal "Religious Studies" is published and released bianually in accordance with the requirements of Supreme Attestation Commission and international standards for scientific journals. The author of an article published in the journal has sole ownership. No fee is charged for articles submitted and accepted for scientific publication. Each author whose article is published can receive a printed copy of the journal free of charge. DOI (Digital Object Identifier) for each article to be published in the journal is empowered by the founder.

The journal accepts original articles that have not previously been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.

The journal accepts articles from foreign and local scholars with scientific degrees as well as degrees as well as Ph.D and Master’s students.


Structure of the Journal of Religious Studies


Editorial board

The editorial board of the journal of “Religious Studies” includes influential scholars who work not only in Azerbaijan, but also in countries such as Turkey, Russia, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Iran, and Switzerland. The anonymity of these scholars’ reviews of articles published in the journal is protected.    


The responsible person for determining the publication strategy of the journal, publication of articles in a scientific aspect with higher quality and quantity, and study of other scientific recommendations.



The responsible person for directing the articles included in the journal to various scientific experts on the profile, identifying them by the fields as well as the publication of the journal.

The editor-in-chief is responsible for assigning articles to reviewers in relevant scientific fields, regardless of the authors' nationality, ethnicity, religious affiliation, gender, citizenship, or political views.

The editor-in-chief should emphasize that articles submitted to reviewers should not be discussed with non-members, that the evaluation should be kept confidential, and that the evaluation should not be discussed with other editorial board members.



The responsible person for acceptance of articles to the journal and dealing with other technical diffculties.

The responsible person for publication of the journal.

The first person to receive articles in each issue of the journal. The editor must maintain anonymity while forwarding the articles sent to the journal to the editor-in-chief and ensure that all information related to the articles is kept confidential before publication. The editor is also the person who can communicate directly with the reviewers during the evaluation period and inform them of their responsibilities.



Reviewers should conduct objective evaluations.

When evaluating articles, reviewers should avoid using language and style to insult the author or humiliate his honor and dignity.

Reviewers must ensure that all information related to a submitted article is kept confidential until the article is published.

If reviewers find plagiarism or copying in an article which are evaluated by them, they should report it to the editor-in-chief or editor.

Before the evaluation of the article, if the reviewer cannot complete and send it within the specified time, must notify the editor-in-chief or editor in advance.

When any article is accepted for evaluation by a reviewer, evaluation should be done in accordance with what is stated in the “Evaluation and evaluation form” posted on the website of the scientific journal (link) and the notes should be written in that part as well.


Responsibilities of the Author

The author must comply with the rules of research and publication.

The author should not initiate the publication of the same article in different sites.

The author should include the works used in the writing of the article in the bibliography and references of the article and protect the copyright of the other party.


Literary editors

Editors for Azerbaijani, Russian, English, Turkish, and Arabic review and approve articles approved by reviewers for publication. 


General principles

An article that has not been previously published in any source and has not been evaluated can be submitted to the journal for publication.

For the purpose of submission of article, the author must create a personal cabinet by registering on the website of the “Religious Studies”. Acceptance of articles is carried out only through the site.

Articles are checked for plagiarism in the relevant research bases. Articles with a compliance rate above 15% will not be accepted.

Citations, references and bibliography in the article should not be more than 30 percent of the total volume of the article.

The article is accepted by the editor and forwarded to the editor-in-chief while maintaining anonymity. The editor-in-chief identifies two relevant reviewers for the evaluation of the article.

The article will be forwarded to both reviewers and will remain anonymous by the editor.

In the case of a positive response from both reviewers, the article is sent to the literary editor for edit. If one of the reviewers gives a negative opinion, a third reviewer is appointed.

When an article requires any correction, it is sent to the author for correction, the author sends back corrections marked with different colors.

Articles which are approved for publication by reviewers and reviewed by literary editors are accepted by the editor-in-chief and sent to print.


First evaluation (both reviewers): 10 days

Third reviewer’s evaluation: 10 days

To edit an article: 10 days

Review by literary editor (for each article): – 3 days



Advisor: Associate Professor Agil Shirinov

Editor-in-chief: Associate Professor Mirniyaz Mursalov

Editor: Elnara Aghaoghlu



Literary editors:

Azerbaijani language: Rana Hasratova

Turkish: PhD in Philology Dashdamir Mahmandarov

Russian: PhD in Philology Aliya Mursalova

Arabic language: Associate Professor Ilkin Alimuradov

English: Leyla Salayeva

Corrector: Elnara Aghaoghlu


Rules which is required for submission of an article:

  1. The text of the article should be in A4 paper size, Times New Roman, 12 pt font size, with single space. The left margin should be 3 cm and right margin 1 cm. Top and bottom margins should be 2 cm.
  2. The total word count for the article should be around 5000-9000.
  3. Each article should include UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) indexes or PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication)  type codes. Codes should be typed above the article title and on the left side of the page.
  4. Following the title of the article, the full name of the author, academic degree and academic title, institution in which he/she works (represents), position, e-mail address, and ORCID code should be indicated at the beginning of the submitted study.
  5. Finally, the summary should be written in the same language as the article, with the keywords listed. The summary should be 200-250 words long, with keywords of 5-8 words. The keywords should be organized from general to specific, with the first keyword matching the name of the scientific field to which the article belongs.
  6. The summary and keywords must be provided in at least three (three) different languages (language of the article, Russian and English). It is critical to include the title of the article, as well as the author's name and academic degree, in the summary. If the article is written in the author's native language, the summary and keywords should come before the introduction, and if it is written in another language, they should come after the bibliography. The summaries of the article written in different languages should be identical and consistent with the article's content. The summary should include a concise mention of the author's scientific conclusion, novelty and importance of the work, and so on.
  7. Articles should include introductions, conclusions and at least two chapters.
  8. To cite scientific sources related to the subject are necessary.



The rules for referencing:


  1.  As a general rule, the author’s last name, year of publication, and page number should be listed in brackets after the references in the article. Example: (Bünyadov, 2007, 17-21).
  2. If the reference refers to multiple works, the information must be separated by a semicolon (;).Example: (Bünyadov, 2007, 17-21; Yolçuyev, 2000, 45).
  3. When the volume number of a book is mentioned in a reference, the volume and page number should be separated by a slash (/). The volume of the number should be written in Roman numerals (II, III). Example: (Bünyadov, 2007, II/34-35).
  4. If the date of the cited work is unknown, the phrase "undated" is used. Example: (Bünyadov, tarixsiz, 17-21).
  1. If the author of the work is not specified, the title of the work, the year of publication, and the page number should be included. Example: (Azərbaycan folkloru, 2008, 34-37).
  1. If the work has more than two authors, the phrase "and others" (the author's surname and the phrase "and others" are separated by commas) should be written after the first two authors. Example: (Bünyadov, və b., 2007, 11-23).
  2. If an author has two or more works published in the same year, the reference is written as (Bünyadov, 2007 (1), 31-36) or (Bünyadov, 2007 (2), 42-55).

When referring to multiple volumes of a multivolume work:

Example: (Azərbaycan Milli Ensiklopediyası, 2018, 78).

  1. If you cite journal articles or conference materials, include the author's last name, year, and page number. Example: ( Rüstəmov, 2005, 67).

If the article has more than two authors: Example: (Rüstəmov, Yolçuyev və.b., 2005, 67).

  1.  If thesis defenses (master’s degree, doctoral degree, dissertation and so on) are referred to, the author’s surname, year are typed. Example: (Məmmədov, 2022).
  2. When referring to legal instruments, include the name of the official document as well as the year of publication. Example: (Azərbaycan Respublikasının Konstitusiyası, 2002).
  3.  If referring to newspaper articles, include the author's name and the year.

Example: (Abdullayev, 9 noyabr 2019).

  1. When referring to archival documents, include the name of the institution, fund number, list number, case number, and page number. Example: (ADTA, Fond №31, Siyahı №1, İş №46, s. 6-8).
  2. When referring to article, study that are taken from Internet resources include the link.
  3. If Quran quotes are used, the quote is written in quotation marks and italics if it is an intratextual ayah.When referred to in a bibliography, the name of the surah should be quoted and the year of publication followed by the article “al-“. Example: (Qurani-Kərim məalı, 2009, “əl-Bəqərə”, 2/12).
  4. If the reference source is the holy scripture;

Example: (Müqəddəs Kitab, Yaradılış, 1:12);

                  (Müqəddəs Kitab, Elçilər, 12:10-12);

                            (Tövrat, Çıxış, 5:22).

  1. For references from hadith books, include author’s name, chapter name, number of hadith. Example: (Buxari, Mənaqib, 24).

If manuscript works are cited, include the author's surname, year, and page number. Example: (Şirvani, 1025/1616, 5-17).





Guidelines on How to Write a Bibliography


Information about each reference shown in the bibliography should be provided according to the following rules, in accordance with international scientific research practices and Supreme Attestation Commission requirements. 


  1. The author (surname, initials). Year . Tne name of work. City: the name of publishing house. (Volume).

Example 1: İsmayılov, G. (2014). Tolerantlıq: bildiklərimiz və bilmədiklərimiz. Bakı: Nurlar NPM. (240 s.).

  Example 2: Nagiev, T.M. (2007). Coherent Synchronized Oxidation reactions by Hydrogen Peroxide. Amsterdam: Elsevier. (340 p.).


  1. When referring to publications which the author is not specified:

The name of work.  (Year of publication). Editor, compiler (initials, surname). City: publication. (Volume).

Example: Azərbaycan folkloru: (məktəblilər üçün seçmələr). (2005). tərt. ed.: B.Abdulla. Bakı: Şərq-Qərb. (360 s.).


  1. When a work that is cited has more than two authors:

First two authors and other surnames and initials (Year of publication). The name of work. Place of publication: the name of publication. (Volume).

Example: Paşayev, A.M., Quliyev, H.İ. və b. (2007). Atmosfer proseslərinin fiziki əsasları. / Dərslik. Bakı: Nafta-Press. (416 s.).


  1. If an author has two or more works published in the same year: The author’s (surname and initials). After indicating the year of publication, one or two digits are numbered in brackets. Numbers and the year of publication are separated by a slash (/).

Example: İsmayılov, G. (2014/2). Tolerantlıq: bildiklərimiz və bilmədiklərimiz. Bakı: Nurlar NPM. (240 s.).

  1. If you refer to more than one volume of a multivolume work

The author (his/her surname and initials). Year of publication. The name of work. The number of volume/volume. City: name of publication. (Volume).

               Example 1: Əliyev H.Ə. (2013). Müstəqilliyimiz əbədidir. 8 cilddə / c. 5. Bakı: Azərnəşr. (384 s.).




  1. The name of work. (Year of publication). / Editorial board and others. City: publication. Number of volume. (Volume).


Example 2: Azərbaycan Milli Ensiklopediyası. (2018). Red. hey. sədri İ.H.Əliyev. Bakı: Azərbaycan Milli Ensiklopediyası Elmi Mərkəzi. c. 8: Enollar – Fedin. (598 s.).


  1. When citing the articles of journal:


The author’s (surname and initials). Year of publication. The name of work // City: the name of journal, number of volume, number of journal, (page).


Example 1: Həbibbəyli İ.Ə. (2018). Maarifçilik və realizm // Bakı: Azərbaycan Milli Elmlər Akademiyasının Xəbərləri, Humanitar elmlər seriyası, №1, (s. 3-10).


Example 2: Rüstəmov Q.Ə., Yolçuyev, İ.A. və.b. (2005). Vibrasiyalı kəsmə prosesində müqavimət momenti dəyişməsinin tədqiqi // Bakı: Milli Aviasiya Akademiyasının Elmi Əsərləri, №1, (s. 80-86).


  1. If conference materials are cited:


The author’s (surname and initials). Year of publication. The name of lecture // Date and name of conference. City: the name of publication. (page).


Example: Абдуллаев, С.К., Карамалиев, Н.Р. (2006). Весовые оценки сингулярных, слабо сингулярных интегралов, максимальных и дробно максимальных функций, ассоциированных обобщенным сдвигом // Труды IV Международного симпозиума «Ряды Фурье и их приложения». 28 мая – 3 июня 2006 г. Ростов-на-Дону: (с. 44-52).


  1. If thesis defenses (master’s degree, doctoral degree, dissertation and so on) are referred to:

The author’s (surname and initials). Year. The name of thesis defense / academic degree indicating the declared field of study. City. (Volume).


 Example 1: Qüdrət, N.C. (2022). Yeniyetmələrdə dini biliklərin aşılanması. Bakı. (79 s.).


Example 2: Səmədov, S.Y. (1997). Hədislər konseptində Hz. Peyğəmbərin bədəviləri İslam toplumu ilə bütünləşdirmə siyasəti. / fəlsəfə üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru. Türkiyə. (132 s.).


  1. If legal documents and statistics are cited:

The name of official document. (Year of publication).  // information on acceptance and amendments. City: publication. (Volume).


Example 1: Azərbaycan Respublikasının Konstitusiyası. (2002). // 12 noyabr 1995-ci ildə qəbul edilmişdir (24 avqust 2002-ci il tarixdə olan dəyişiklik və əlavələr). Bakı: Qanun. (48 s.).


Example 2: Международная конвенция об охране нематериального культурного наследия. (2011).  // Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры. Париж: ЮНЕСКО. VII, (103 с.).


  • If reference to newspaper articles:

The author’s (surname, initials). (Date and year of publication.). The name of article // publication. (page).

Example: Abdullayev, F. (9 noyabr, 2019). Azərbaycanı Respublikası Konstitusiyasının qəbul edilməsindən 24 il keçir // Respublika. (s. 2).


  • When referring to archival documents:

The name of document // archive, fund number, list number, case number, the number of sheets.

Example: Ümummilli Lider Heydər Əliyevin məruzəsi (9 dekabr 1998-ci il) // Azərbaycan Respublikası Dövlət Arxivi, Fond №1031, Siyahı №1, İş № 46, vərəq-1.

  1. Articles and studies taken from the internet:

The author’s  name and surname. (Date and year of publication). The name of article. Link.


Example: Qüdrət Nəbiyev. (21.22.2022). “Milli kimlik və din”. (https://ait.edu.az/az/tedqiqat/elmi-jurnal/).

  1. If the work has been translated:

The author’s (surname and initials) . Year of publication. The name of book. Translator’s name and surname. City: name of publication. (Volume).


Example: Abdullah Kahraman. (2022). “Fiqh üsulu”. Tərc. ed.: Hilal Ağayev. Bakı: Nurlar. (356 s.).

  1. If Quran quotes are cited:

    Name. (Year of publication). Translator’s name and surname. City: name of publication.

Example: Qurani-Kərim Məalı. (1990). Tərc. Ed. Vasim Mammadaliyev. Baku: Nurlar. III nəşr.

If there is more than one translator:

After the name and surname of the first translator, “and others” is written. Example: Qurani-Kərim Məalı. (1990). Tərc. Vasim Məmmədəliyev və b. Bakı: Nurlar. III nəşr.

  1. If the reference source is the holy scripture:

The name of holy scripture. (Year of publication). Translator’s name and surname. City: the name of  publishing house. (Volume).

Example: Tövrat. (1998). Tərc. ed. Etimad Başkeçid. Bakı: Mütərcim. (s. 567).

  • In case of reference from hadith books: Author’s name. (Year of publication (hijri / gregorian). Translator. Volume. City: the name of publishing house. (Volume).

Example: Buxari. (1423/1997). Tərc. ed. Muhəmməd Muhsin Xan. II c. Beyrut: Dar əl-Fikir. I nəşr. (973 səh.)


  1. If manuscript works are cited, the author’s last name and first name. (Year). The name of manuscript. The city where the library is located: The name of library, storage space, registration number, volume.


Example: Məhəmməd Əmin ibn Sədrəddin Şirvani. (1025/1616). Fəvaidül-xaqaniyyə. Bakı: Azərbaycan Milli Kitabxanası, ANL Nadir kitablar və kitabxana muzeyi şöbəsi, B8-10, 3 qutuda 183 v.







Submission Preparation Checklist

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The abstract should be 200-250 words.
  • Keywords should be 5-8 words. Keywords should be sorted from general to particular, the first keyword should match the name of the scientific field to which the article belongs. 


The abstract should be 200-250 words.

Keywords should be 5-8 words. Keywords should be sorted from general to particular; the first keyword should match the name of the scientific field to which the article belongs.

Religion Education

The abstract should be 200-250 words.

Keywords should be 5-8 words. Keywords should be sorted from general to particular; the first keyword should match the name of the scientific field to which the article belongs.


The abstract should be 200-250 words.

Keywords should be 5-8 words. Keywords should be sorted from general to particular; the first keyword should match the name of the scientific field to which the article belongs.


The abstract should be 200-250 words.

Keywords should be 5-8 words. Keywords should be sorted from general to particular; the first keyword should match the name of the scientific field to which the article belongs.

Recitation And Momentum

The abstract should be 200-250 words.

Keywords should be 5-8 words. Keywords should be sorted from general to particular; the first keyword should match the name of the scientific field to which the article belongs.

Islamic Law

The abstract should be 200-250 words.

Keywords should be 5-8 words. Keywords should be sorted from general to particular; the first keyword should match the name of the scientific field to which the article belongs.

History of Islamic Sects

The abstract should be 200-250 words.

Keywords should be 5-8 words. Keywords should be sorted from general to particular; the first keyword should match the name of the scientific field to which the article belongs.

Sociology of Religion

The abstract should be 200-250 words.

Keywords should be 5-8 words. Keywords should be sorted from general to particular; the first keyword should match the name of the scientific field to which the article belongs.

Psychology of Religion

The abstract should be 200-250 words.

Keywords should be 5-8 words. Keywords should be sorted from general to particular; the first keyword should match the name of the scientific field to which the article belongs.


The abstract should be 200-250 words.

Keywords should be 5-8 words. Keywords should be sorted from general to particular; the first keyword should match the name of the scientific field to which the article belongs.


The abstract should be 200-250 words.

Keywords should be 5-8 words. Keywords should be sorted from general to particular; the first keyword should match the name of the scientific field to which the article belongs.


The abstract should be 200-250 words.

Keywords should be 5-8 words. Keywords should be sorted from general to particular; the first keyword should match the name of the scientific field to which the article belongs.


The abstract should be 200-250 words.

Keywords should be 5-8 words. Keywords should be sorted from general to particular; the first keyword should match the name of the scientific field to which the article belongs.


The abstract should be 200-250 words.

Keywords should be 5-8 words. Keywords should be sorted from general to particular; the first keyword should match the name of the scientific field to which the article belongs.


The abstract should be 200-250 words.

Keywords should be 5-8 words. Keywords should be sorted from general to particular; the first keyword should match the name of the scientific field to which the article belongs.


The abstract should be 200-250 words.

Keywords should be 5-8 words. Keywords should be sorted from general to particular; the first keyword should match the name of the scientific field to which the article belongs.


The abstract should be 200-250 words.

Keywords should be 5-8 words. Keywords should be sorted from general to particular; the first keyword should match the name of the scientific field to which the article belongs.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.